Certified Instructor – The Mad Food Science Program
Janneke is a health champion who works with individuals, schools and communities to get people started on their own journey towards better health.
Janneke knows that good health isn’t supposed to be complicated. It is about going back to the basics of eating well, exercising, reducing chemicals and toxins that invade our lives and replacing them with natural options.
Janneke is a Certified Instructor with The Root Cause and passionate about seeing a rise in children’s health.
Janneke has a degree in Social Work from the University of Western Sydney and 15 years experience in talking with people in during challenging parts of life. Janneke has 10 years experience in feeding her own growing children a variety of nutritious foods.Janneke is available for private consultations in home or online.
Janneke would be pleased to facilitate The Children’s’ Health Program at your local school or host a community event focused on healthy eating or low-tox life solutions.
From Term 2 2020.
Contact Janneke
NSW – Sydney – Hills District & surrounds