Suzi Miller
Certified Instructor – The Mad Food Science Program
Suzi Miller lives in the beautiful town of Geelong with her husband, 2 children and precious puppy. Suzi thrives when she is busy, learning and sharing with her family, friends and community.
6 years ago, Suzi created her own cooking classes for children, running them from her children’s school canteen, and now, The Kidz Kitchen has a strong presence and growing reputation in the community, which has seen her to grow into her own kitchen space to run after school classes, school holiday programs and creatively engage with young people through the power of food.
The driving idea behind creating cooking classes for children was “how amazing would if be she could be in schools teaching children to cook”. Although this amazing idea has not come to life yet, joining forces with The Root Cause is a match made in heaven for Suzi.
She’s fiercely passionate about empowering children to develop practical life skills through cooking, and sharing how to use simple and basic ingredients to create nourishing and delicious food to share with their families and to fuel their body.
Suzi previously worked in a variety of fields including marketing, community relations, event management and graphic design. And a lifetime before the corporate world, in her 20’s, Suzi worked in the early childhood field as an educator and nanny. Amazing when the circle closes and you come back to where you started.
Suzi’s super power is engaging with children, connecting with each individual to make them feel special and important.
Working in schools to share the Root Cause program is where Suzi sees she can be a valuable asset to a greater number of children, schools and wider community so together, they can start to make a vital impact on the health and well-being of future generations.
Favourite recipe – This is a really hard question for Suzi, asking for a favourite recipe is like asking which of her children are her favourite. She just can’t choose 1.
From Term 4 2023.