If you have ever dreamed of your child saying, “Mum could you pack me more vegetables in my lunch box today please?” or “No ice cream for me tonight, Dad. Could I have a bowl of blueberries instead?” you may be one step closer to living the dream with this unique educational resource in your parenting tool kit.
Invite your child to share an inside-out adventure, journeying with special agent Antiox and his super squad of antioxidants through the microscopic landscape inside five-year-old Kai’s body. Join their mission to rescue the lost cold bugs before they melt into a gooey flood of green golly. Save Kai from being zapped of his vital energy and consequently put to bed way before bedtime.
Will the antioxidant squad reach the cold bugs in time? Or will Kai be forced to retire to bed in broad daylight? The answer awaits inside . .
Written by Milinda Rodziewicz and illustrated by Belinda Schaeffer, “Catch Those Cold Bugs” is a fun and educational story for young children and younger readers.
This book is designed to educate and stimulate learning opportunities around nutrition and health. “Catch Those Cold Bugs” is a stealth parenting tool and teaching resource to foster those fundamental but often resisted healthy habits like; dressing for cold weather, eating fruit and vegetables, drinking water and using a tissue (instead of mum’s sleeve) Voluntarily!
About the Author:
Milinda Rodziewicz wrote “Catch Those Cold Bugs” out of her desire to find a way to encourage her delightful (food fussy) Son – Kai, to eat his vegetables while keeping their relationship intact. She was curious about finding a way to guide his behaviour without defaulting to the familiar threats and bribes strategy.
So she came up with a method of storytelling about food which engaged Kai’s imagination, appealed to his sense of fun, curiosity and natural willingness to learn, which greatly assisted harmony at the dinner table and inspired creative and engaging conversations around nutrition as it relates to his body function and general wellbeing… And so began, what she hopes is his journey into a healthy relationship with food for life!
Milinda has worked with grown-ups and children in the health industry as a massage therapist for over 20 years from her private clinic in northern NSW, Australia. She has an Associate Diploma of Health Science (sport and exercise), Diploma of Children’s Services, Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and is a Certified Infant Massage instructor, Certified Food and Spirit practitioner and Spontaneous Transformation coach.
Mostly she is a Mum without a manual doing the best she can to navigate the exhilarating and challenging terrain of modern day parenting!
Contact Milinda directly: