To the Busy, Struggling, Health-Aware Parent who just wishes feeding the kids was easier...
No more food arguments, peaceful mealtimes, kids learning to eat a wider variety and you can lighten the physical and mental load!
SOUND GOOD? Keep reading...
It's possible when food is a fun experiment...
Just look what these families have achieved inside Kids Health Quest - an online health education membership for the whole family.
There's fun quests and cook-alongs for the kids, and knowledge and guidance for you on your quest to give your kids long term health.

"Kids Health Quest arms kids with knowledge about
food and health in a fun way they can understand.
It also teaches Mums skills to look after themselves
so they can in turn, look after their families.
It's a lovely community of real people making
a stand for children's health." ~ Monica
Here's the issue:
Kids just have a mind of their own!
No matter what we try – repeatedly asking them, begging, pleading, bribing, arguing etc – they just won't eat what we want them to eat ... Right?
It feels like you're on the health journey on your own, trying to drag them along for the ride... can you relate?
As parents, it's our responsibility to feed our kids, and ensure their long-term healthy by looking after what they eat today.
BUT... if you're like most parents we've worked with, you're probably feeling a bit like:
- You're sick of having the same food arguments with your kids over and over again
- You're carrying the responsibility for the whole family's health, and it feels like its all your job
- You feel frustrated from hearing "I don't like that!" or "It's not fair, my friends get packet foods!"
- You feel dread every night about trying to get them to eat their veggies, all over again...
- You're feeling hopeless because you have tried so many different things with no success
- You're afraid you're failing as a parent, and you worry about your child's long term health
- The constant battle has you at your wits end
- Maybe you’re just at a loss about what else can you do?
In simple terms:
You want your child to eat a wider variety of fruits and veggies, stop nagging you for junk food, and take some of the load off you – so you can rest easy, and be at peace about their long-term health.
But you have no idea how to achieve this.
Sound about right?
Believe me when I say this:
I totally get it.
And you're not alone.

Your kids nag you for junk – and push back on the healthy food – because they're not empowered to make better choices for themselves!
- The food environment has changed so much since we were kids;
- Our kids have had much higher exposure to sweeter, more addictive processed foods at their age, than we ever did; and
- Big food marketing constantly targets our kids, making their products way more desirable than fruit and veggies...
We don't have a food language with our kids, and they have no idea of the effects food has on their body. The whole system is out of balance.
But EMPOWERING our kids – and giving them responsibility for their own health – is just THE BEST way to get them making better choices, eating more fruit & veg, and creating life-long health for themselves!
Because if you don't start empowering your kids, and make a change starting today...
- You'll keep worrying about their health, and carrying so much parent guilt
- Your kids will learn that it's perfectly OK to keep nagging for junk food
- They'll never learn the life-skills they need to prepare and eat healthy food
- They'll never learn how to build a positive relationship with all kids of food
- They won't eat what you serve at dinner, and the arguments will continue
- Your kids' health will decline as they continue their poor habits
- They will have a higher risk of long-term health issues and chronic illness
- You won't ever be at peace about their eating habits or health
- You will always feel like you're dragging them along for the ride
- You will continue be overwhelmed by the physical and mental load...
Unless you try something new, the arguments will continue, and so will your worrying.

I've gone through this with my own family.
I've had all the dinner-time arguments, the nagging for junk food, the parent guilt, the stress - AND feeling like it's all my job, and no-one else's.
My kids are my world. I just knew I couldn’t give up or keep giving in, because their health depended on it.
So I stopped arguing and started empowering them – and the results have been extraordinary!
We live in a world full of inspiration, where recipes, menu plans, ideas, suggestions are all at our fingertips - but it’s all a waste of time if you keep having the same arguments with your kids.
After I took a different approach, and released my death-grip on everything being MY job to fix, the whole dynamic around food in our family shifted.
And I felt such a relief - their health wasn’t all on me! I felt so much peace. Imagine how it would feel if you made breakfasts, lunches and dinners and there were no arguments or complaints. Wouldn’t that be a dream come true?
As bizarre as this sounds, what if the answer to all your food struggles comes from your kids' health being their very own fun quest?
The reality is this: When you empower your kids to take responsibility for their own health – and make it fun – you'll all find peace, and you WILL see changes their eating habits too.
That's why I'm SO EXCITED to be sharing this with you:

is an online health education membership for the whole family...
with fun Quests and Cook-alongs for Kids, plus Knowledge and Guidance for Parents on your Quest to give your kids long-term health.
Kids Health Quest has been specifically designed to cater to both Kids and Parents, and gives you both what you need in an easy-to-follow monthly format.
It will help you:
- have better conversations with your kids about food and overall health,
- bring peace to mealtimes,
- make feeding your family easier, and
- lighten the physical and mental load # itsnotallyourjob
It will help your kids:
- make better food choices and take charge of their own health,
- learn from someone other than Mum & Dad (so they listen more!),
- navigate the processed food world they are growing up in, and
- have fun exploring new fruit and vegetables as they complete quests...
It will help your family:
- to build a positive relationship with food,
- strengthen family connection,
- empower the whole family to contribute to the home and their health.
Inside Kids Food Quest, food is a fun experiment. When you start having fun with food and play the long term game of empowerment, vverything about your family's health journey will change for the better!
Here are some of the results people are getting:
My daughter is trying new things and not making a fuss
My 5yo didn’t want to try new foods and she didn’t want to mix foods. She would refuse to eat the food I served even if we had agreed on what we’d be having in the morning. I was fed up and frustrated. I had tried to make food fun but I was getting nowhere.
Since doing the Quests, she is not complaining, she’s trying new things and she hasn’t been making as much of a fuss. When I give her control and she makes it herself, she is more willing to eat it. She asks me “Mummy can you send my video to the other kids to see!" She’s so proud of herself.
Amazingly my daughter decided to have a salad for lunch today...and this afternoon the two of them have made their lunches for the next 2 days with salad, including CABBAGE!
First smoothie in years
This is the first time she had a smoothie since going off them a couple of years ago...Alana is getting into the quests and looking forward to doing more.

Here's how the Kids Health Quest Membership will help you start overcoming your food struggles!
Every month you'll get a Fun Quest for kids or an Illuminate Session for you, a Kids Cook-along, and a Live Q&A Coaching session with me.
Everything has been designed to be simple, bite-sized learning pieces that you can easily fit in around your busy life. Inside Kids Health Quest, there is no behind. You get to choose your own adventure. Some months you might make just the Cook-Along, some months you might make the Q&A, and other months, you might do everything.

Kids Health Quest has two separate sections – One for Parents, One for Kids:
The Parent's Lounge

As a parent, you'll get access to the Parent's Lounge, where you can find all the Illuminate Sessions, recordings of the Live Q&A Calls, Tips, Tools & Templates, and more. Our intention is to add more to each section over time, so your membership will continue to grow in value.
Kids Quest Café

Kids Quest Cafe, which is a fun, animated area for kids to explore and access the Quests, Cook-alongs, the Book Nook, Games Room, Kids Quest TV, and more. You can choose to give your children their own access or you may just want access at a family level. You choose.
First off, we get YOU started with the Empowering Kids Framework training...

The Empowering Kids Framework
is my signature framework I developed to support you in empowering your kids to make better food choices, and start giving you some peace around food and feeding your family.
The framework can be put into practice every day, and is one you can live by. The framework works regardless of the age of your kids and you can keep using it as your kids grow and change - because that they do.
If you ever encounter challenges along this journey, you can simply revisit the appropriate Step on this Framework to give you support and next steps.
Then we kick-start your kids' empowerment with a Mad Food Science Family Event...
The Mad Food Science Family Event
is our flagship program that we developed and refined over 2.5 years of travelling Australia. We empowered over 45,500 parents, teachers and children across the length and breadth of the country, in every kind of community, city and town.
This program helps your whole family learn the basic concepts that you'll need as you progress through the Quests:
- One Body For Life
- What's In My Food?
- Eat A Rainbow, and so on.
Once you've participated in this together, you'll see your children immediately making changes in how they talk and behave around food and their health. But this is only the starting point! You can get started immediately with a pre-recorded version or attend the next LIVE family event on Sunday May 29th.

Bel Smith in action teaching children at Gympie QLD about real food vs processed food.
What's Included Every Month?
Each month has a theme. For example Sugar, Back to School Readiness, Making Sourdough etc. The bite sized pieces below tie back into the months theme. In Kids Health Quest, food is a fun experiment.

Illuminate Sessions
- Arm you with knowledge to help you empower your children and build a positive relationship with food for the whole family.
- Guest interviews with health industry experts, and other trainings.
- Mini Courses around planning, organising and time saving
- Some sessions maybe live, and all sessions are On-Demand for you to watch at your own leisure.

Kids Food Quests
- We make learning about food fun, so it takes the pressure off food.
- Quests are linked back to the month's health theme.
- The quests take your child on a journey of discovery #foodisafunexperiment.
- Most quests aretaught by our team of Kids Quest Crusaders – children who have completed our programs in the past, and are well into their own health journey.
- With have themes such as "One Body For Life", "What's In My Food?", "Our One Planet Earth" and more, over time, the Quests give your child a holistic health education – centred around fun and play!

Family Cook-Along
- Monthly Cook-Along to build your confidence in the kitchen if you need it
- Our Cook-Alongs are unique because we create specific recipes that allow your kids to 'design' their own recipe. This helps build more familiarity with different foods, explore new tastes, and give your kids some real hands-on experience in the kitchen.
- Studies show kids who have involvement in cooking, are more curious about foods. The Cook-Alongs help break down food anxiety in the kitchen.
- The Cook-Alongs are a great way to mingle with other families in our KHQ Village.

Live Q&A Coaching Calls
- Each month, you get 1-hour Live Q&A Coaching Call from me to help you get live support and coaching on any questions or challenges you've faced over the past month.
- The Q&A's are an economical way to get coaching from me and learn from the coaching of other members, as you'll see yourself in their questions and struggles, and be able to learn as they learn.
And then YOU get results like THIS...
I am a very happy mumma!
We watched the Mad Food Science Event replay today. What a success! We went to the shop and bought a rainbow of veggies for dinner and have a rainbow of fruit prepped for breakfast. My girls really embraced what they learned today and I am a very happy mumma!
Rainbow spag bol
Got the kids thinking about what we could add to our spag bol tonight to include more of the rainbow. They chose all of this and even decided to try both the spinach pasta AND beetroot pasta that we picked up at the market this morning. We couldn’t think of anything blue, and I refused to add frozen blueberries, but I added more red/purple with the wine instead 😀 ;p

My daughter loved being involved, and it took the pressure off me
I am so happy with the outcomes we've seen during our family's Kids Health Quest journey. Prior to this my daughter Jacinta was quite particular about the types of fruits and vegetables she would eat. She also didn't like different types of foods mixed together. This often resulted in challenging mealtimes. I enjoyed participating in the Kids Food Quests as it took the pressure off me... I enjoyed watching Jacinta learn about food and its impact on her body from someone other than me.
My daughter loved being involved in the program, she enjoyed all the quests and she has learnt so much. Jacinta often initiates conversations about healthy food choices now, which is wonderful. My daughter now happily eats a much wider variety of fruits and vegetables, she eats more vegetables and she doesn't mind different foods being mixed together now. Kids Health Quest has reduced the stress involved in meal planning and mealtimes, which is such a relief. Thankyou Belinda, family and crusaders for the awesome program!

The food I like to eat has changed ... now I like healthy food
I really enjoyed the quests in Kids Health Quest because they were really fun and they were about food and I love eating food, especially healthy food! I especially loved making the smoothies and fruit kebabs, and I had fun playing the blindfold taste test game.
I have learnt a lot about what is in food. The foods I like to eat has changed as I used to like eating sometimes food, but now I like eating healthy food because it makes me feel good and I know it is healthy for my one body for life. Kids Health Quest is fun!
About mixing foods together:
It taught me that sometimes foods that you don't like taste delicious when mixed with other foods.
I’m investing in my son learning to read and write – why wouldn’t I invest in teaching him about food?
I wanted to improve mealtime dynamics, somehow help my son eat a more nutritionally balanced diet and be able to pack healthier non-packaged foods in his lunchbox. The next night as parents we changed the way we started talking about food. We talked about our one body for life and us choosing when and what my son ate and my son choosing how much he ate. It seemed like magic and it worked and my son started parroting back the KHQ teachings to me.
My son loves reading eggs and I remember a comment that the KHQ was set up in a similar way to reading eggs and thought if I’m investing in my son learning to read and write why wouldn’t I invest in teaching him about food? So I signed up and it has been the best gift ever for my son and family.
Now my son helps his dad make healthy balanced meals most nights. He helps me make healthy balanced snacks for his lunch box. We love experimenting with new ingredients - it feels like an adventure going to the shop to find something I haven’t bought before.
We love doing the Cook-Alongs together as a family and the Quests at home. The Facebook group is amazing, very supportive and encouraging to all members, a village really.
I am so grateful to Bel, Israel, KHQ and the KHQ families. I am so proud of what my family has achieved and look forward to what lies ahead. This program really is priceless.
Sending much love to both of you. X
So if you're ready to let go of...
Then it's time to go on a Kids Health Quest!
Let's get your family on the path towards sustainable, lasting changes in their health and food choices. I've already helped empower over 45,500 parents and children with my work, so you're in good hands!
So How Much Is My Investment?
What price do you put on your family's long-term health, or your own sense of inner peace?
Both play a huge role in your quality of life, and both are essential for your happiness and longevity individually, and as a family.
They're both priceless in value, right?
And that's exactly what Kids Health Quest is going to offer you!
Kids actually eating more fruit and veg, fewer arguments around food, more peace for you, more fun and engaging ways to teach your kids about food and their body. Not to mention all the longer term benefits of improved health for both you and your kids. Plus you'll be amazed at other side effects too. Some mum's have lost weight, partners have started asking for steamed vegetables for lunch whereas before they used to eat the likes of red rooster and mum's have offloaded some of the physical and mental load of running the household.
You'll be finally able to get the monkey of parent guilt off your back, knowing you're doing the absolute best for your children's health and wellbeing. You'll breathe easier knowing your kids are empowered to make better choices for themselves, and you're more empowered and peaceful too!
Bel teaches families this exact material in her 1-on-1 VIP coaching program, which sells for $6,000 for 6 months.
But the Kids Health Quest membership is yours for a fraction of that, and you get access to the material for as long as you're a paying member. All the valuable content in the membership is on demand 24 x7 so you can use it at your own pace. It's your very own family health version of Netflix.
Not to mention you have an incredible cheer squad of like minded parents in our private Facebook community, plus Bel is your lighthouse - she's always in the community coaching, guiding and supporting, not to mention the monthly Live Q&A calls and Cook-Alongs.
Our mission with The Root Cause is to impact as many families as possible with this work, and do our best to turn around the horrifying statistics around children's health in Australia.
So we've decided to make Kids Health Quest as affordable as possible – especially given everything that has happened over the last few years.
So here's the opportunity for you...
Kids Health Quest is currently Closed for Enrolments!
We're busy onboarding and supporting the hundreds of families who have already become members.
BUT Don't Panic! You can join the waitlist and be the first to hear when we re-open our doors!
No Risk – 100% Money-Back Guarantee

We're so sure that your kids and family will benefit from Kids Health Quest that we're offering a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Simply make sure you and your kids do the Quests, attend the live calls, submit results or challenges in the Facebook Group, and continue having great quality conversations with them as outlined in the training videos.
If your kids aren’t eating more fruits and vegetables by the end of 3 months, send us photos of your kids' experiments and journal sheets, along with your before and after assessment sheets and we’ll refund your money.
It's that simple.
PLUS! You Get These Members-Only Bonuses

You'll get free access to a library of eBooks we've created over the past few years, on topics from lunchboxes to snacks to recipes
(valued at $147)

(valued at $97)
PLUS! You Get Bonus Training from these Health Experts
Value over $2,000

Mindset & Inner Transformation Expert
Lisa is one of Australia's leading
Inner-Transformation Experts. She has helped thousands of women let go of the stories
that have been keeping them stuck.
If you say things like my kids are picky eaters, my partner the problem, dinner is a constant battle, then you're going to love these trainings.
(Valued at $497)

Master Coach and Emotional Resiliency Expert
Lisa has over 20 years' coaching experience and truly has a unique gift of helping women reclaim their relationship to time, and make their lives free of stress, struggle and frustration.
If you're always busy, tired, don't have time for things, or feel overwhelmed, then this training is perfect for you!
(Valued at $750 - but from personal experience, priceless!)

Paediatric Speech Pathologist
An expert feeding specialist and highly qualified speech pathologist,
Val has provided a 60-min Training session on The Division of Responsibility - an essential skill in ending your family's feeding struggles.
(Valued at $497)

Wholefoods Specialist
Laini has been helping families for years to bring more organic and additive free wholefoods into their pantry on budget.
In this training, you'll find out how to get a meal on the table in 5 minutes and 15 minutes, plus make in bulk meals.
(Valued at $297)
When you join you'll be able to get results like this:

I have invested in the health of my family forever
I could go on and on but some of the changes include my son asking for the most grainiest bread in store (e.g. Cape Seed from Bakers Delight), my daughter thinking twice about having a milkshake or chai latte and realising that one drink has all the sugar she should eat for the day, and my husband is making better choices at lunch time.
My children are eating more vegetables (without complaining!!)
My son now makes healthier choices on his own
When we are grocery shopping he regularly asks for foods I’d rather not buy. Now, instead of saying an outright no, I ask him to read the ingredients list and tell me if it’s a good choice (would Bel like it?). With the information and education you have empowered him with, he is able to read the label and of his own decision, albeit reluctantly, put the packet back on the shelf.

You have worked wonders with Dusty where I couldn't (and it wasn't for the lack of trying.)
I could not get him to eat anything, especially fruit and veg. He would always choose foods high in carbohydrates and sugar. I also noticed the change in his behaviour (at home and at school) and his sleeping pattern changed. Your communication with my son was just the thing he needed, and it happened at just the right time. He loves everything you do and looks forward to the next challenge you set for him.
OK, Let's Recap...
When You Join Kids Health Quest Today:
You'll get access to the Parent's Lounge:
- Over 150 Recipes at your finger tips
- Over 20 Cook-Alongs in the video vault - perfect weekend or holiday activity
- Over 20 Quests to hand - choose a quest to help you with a problem you're experiencing.
- Over 15 Illuminate Sessions where we'll dive deeper into a single topic to help you broaden your own health knowledge and be a better leader in your own family.
- Monthly Live Q&A Calls with Bel where you can get laser-focussed coaching to help you learn from Bel's experience, and overcome any challenges you might face. Plus access to over 20 replays of previous calls so you can learn from others.
- Mini-Courses in Planning, Prep and Time Saving Tips to help you save time and money
- Lunchbox Bootcamp, to help make packing lunches easier
- Tips, Tricks, Resources and more to help you save time, streamline your household's food planning and preparation, and make healthier choices a way of life.
- Plus new content each month.
and you'll get access to Kids Quest Cafe for you and your Kids:
- Fun Quests for you and your kids, exploring and experimenting with a new topic to help them make more empowered choices for themselves.
- Monthly Live Cook-Alongs where your kids will learn to cook a snack or a meal from scratch, giving them more confidence, engaging them, and with their food.
PLUS you'll get these Member Bonuses & Bonus Trainings:
- eBook Library with over 10 awesome eBooks. There's Snack Guides, Recipe eBooks, Time Saving Tips and future proofing your pantry to help living in isolation. Valued at $147
- Private Facebook Community for support with other member families – Valued at $97
- BONUS Training: Letting Go Of Your Stories with Lisa Corduff - Valued at $497
- BONUS Training: Transforming Your Relationship with Time with Lisa Carpenter – Valued at $750
- BONUS Training: The Division of Responsibility with Val Gent – Valued at $497
- BONUS Training: Fibres 5 Super Powers with Laini Oldfield - Valued at $297
The Bonuses ALONE are Valued at Over $2,250!
And they're ALL included in your LOW Membership investment when you join TODAY.
Ummm... Are you feeling a little uncertain right now?
Of course you are. That's totally natural, and I've been there too, many times.
It's always a bit uncomfortable when we step outside what we know, or what we've done in the past. It's so much easier to stick with what feels comfortable.
But here's what I know to be true: Every meaningful shift in our lives starts with stepping outside our comfort zone.

So now it's time for you to make one of two choices.
The first choice is to choose to do nothing. And as you already know, if you choose to do nothing... then nothing changes. But I'm not even sure that is true when it comes to health. It's possible that in doing thing, you actually end up worse off in the future. Habits become more entrenched and are harder to change.
But if you've read this far, then something inside you is looking for a new path and a new set of ideas, and you're probably already thinking that joining Kids Health Quest is the next right step for you and your family's health and wellbeing.
So the second choice, is to JOIN TODAY. Click the big green button below, and we'll be waiting to welcome you inside the program!
Isn't it time to try something you've never done before?
I promise you, you've never tried what we teach.
In the years that we've been doing this work, I've lost count of the number of times people have called me a miracle worker, or been dumbfounded at their child suddenly asking for spinach-filled green smoothies.
I have a knack for teaching kids in a way that gets these messages through to them, and makes them want to make healthier choices right away.
And that immediately makes your life – and job – easier, because:
- You'll start having conversations about food, instead of arguments.
- Your kids will start getting curious about trying new fruits and vegetables, instead of rejecting them outright.
- Your kids will be able to read labels and make empowered decisions about which packet foods they want to eat.
Lovely Mumma, there is something special waiting for you on the other side of this Quest. (See what I did there?????)
Frequently Asked Questions
As soon as you join, you'll receive an email with your login for the Kids Health Quest member site, and your Onboarding/Getting Started instructions to get you moving. Then you'll get an email every Monday with details of that week's material - Quests, Illuminate Sessions, Kids Cook-alongs or Live Q&A Calls. You can join sessions live, or watch the recordings. The material is ready for you when you're ready.
The Cook-alongs will always happen on a Sunday after lunch Sydney-time. Live Q&A Calls will be at different times depending on who is hosting - but you will have access to a calendar for all live calls, and be able to access recordings if you can't make a call.
You can do as much or as little as you like each month, but we recommend you set aside one to two hours each week if you're committed to seeing change in your family. Don't think of needing to find MORE time in your busy week. Instead, consider that you'll be choosing to spend LESS time arguing with your kids, and RE-INVESTING that time into Kids Health Quest with your family. Your investment will pay off many times over, I assure you.
We don't offer refunds for change of mind, but we do offer a money back guarantee. If you and your children do all the Quests and materials for 3 months, and your kids are NOT eating more fruit and vegetables, we will give you your money back. You are free to cancel your membership at any time, but you will instantly lose access to your membership logins and resources, and will no longer be eligible for your locked-in Membership price/benefits.
Not at all. In fact, you can cancel anytime you want - even after 1 month (although we strongly advise you to consider this a long-term commitment.) To cancel your membership subscription and payments, all you need to do is fill in a short Exit Survey, and give us a couple of business days processing time to cancel your membership. Easy peasy, no lock-in, no contracts, no stress.
The membership is delivered 100% online. We have a special membership website where you can login to get access to the materials, plus a Bonus Private Facebook Group. Live calls will be hosted by Zoom. You will have access online to all the materials, and will get reminder emails every week about the new material for the month and week.
How long is a piece of string??? Seriously though, every child and family is different, and everyone processes change at their own pace. You may see results within the first week, or it may take a few months before you see changes. We know that the most successful families are the ones who stick with this for the long term - 6 months or more. You will need to be patient, and consider this a longer term re-alignment for your family. Your children and your eating habits aren't like a light-switch to turn on or off... Our current circumstances have taken years to build, and it may take a while for these new changes to become embedded and replace old habits.
Firstly, you'll get a big thankyou email from us, with a confirmation of your purchase, and your login details for the Membership website. You'll also get any details of upcoming live onboarding/welcome events, for you (parents) and for your kids, and an invite to the Private Facebook Group, where you can introduce yourself to the other members and start connecting with them. And THEN you can truly get started on the Kids Health Quest journey!
You'll have access as long as your membership is current and you're all paid up! So you can work through the material at your pace, and your child's pace, and get the results you want with no feelings of being rushed.
Yes, absolutely! Kids Health Quest will help you have better conversations with your kids, even if you're a single parent, or your significant other isn't onboard yet. Your kids will start learning and taking charge for themselves regardless of what your partner does. Also, we’ve just introduced “Dad Chats” where Israel hosts informal conversations with Dads to find out what they’re struggling with, and how they can bring themselves along for the ride. It's a whole family membership, but we are confident you'll get great benefits even if you're not all onboard to start with.
FOR SURE. Some of our most successful parents have kids who aren't too interested in doing quests or cook-alongs. But these parents have learned so much from the Illuminate Sessions, Live Q&As, and watching the Quests and Cook-Alongs themselves, that it has transformed how they interact with their own children around the dinner table and in the kitchen. Those families have seen amazing results from just the Mums and/or Dads getting involved - even without the kids. So rest assured, whether your kids get 110% involved, or don't want anything to do with the Kids Quest Cafe section of the membership, you'll get an enormous amount of value from Kids Health Quest.
You certainly can. If you decide to change to an Annual subscription to save money and get 2 months free, your 12 month Annual subscription will start from the date you change over. (There is no pro-rata period applied.)
For example, if you join in January as a Monthly member, then in March you decide to change to Annual, then you will pay the full Annual membership fee in March, and you'll have a full year of membership for the cost of 10 months (2 months free!)... and your next renewal will be in March the following year.
And if you *still* have questions...
Please contact our Customer Support team on, or just hit the blue circular Live Chat icon at the bottom right of your screen!

A Special Message from Bel...
Hey Mumma, I know it can be a bit of a battle sometimes. This food and health number is a challenging one, there's no rule book or instruction manual for your kids, and no-one cares as much for your children as you do.
But I want you to know that change is possible. The way my family all eats now is nearly unrecognisable from where we were only a few short years ago.
I also want you to know that I'm 100% committed to help you as much as I can, and I truly believe Kids Health Quest can and will make a massive difference for your family's health, your peace of mind, your harmony around the dinner table.
So are you ready to do something new for your family?
Join me inside the Kids Health Quest Membership.
I'll see you on the inside!
Bel. xo
Kids Health Quest is currently Closed for Enrolments!
We're busy onboarding and supporting the hundreds of families who have already become members.
BUT Don't Panic! You can join the waitlist and be the first to hear when we re-open our doors!