Victoria Byrnes
Certified Instructor – The Mad Food Science Program
Victoria is a wife, mother of 3, passionate foodie, health educator who advocates for children’s health, is a cookbook author, Mad Food Science Instructor and a supporter of low-tox living. She has a big smile and even bigger heart.
Victoria has studied towards her bachelor of education and has run her own family day care business, In 2016, she took time off to focus on her son’s behavioural issues. Which led to her changing her families eating habits, reading packet labels and cooking more real foods at home.
Victoria found a new interest in health and wellness when she realised how much her son’s behaviour improved and wanted to share this with other families going through the same issues.
In 2018, Victoria combined her two passions of working with children and health to become a Certified Instructor of the Mad Food Science Program.
Victoria is available to run The Mad Food Science Program in schools and at community events (Includes sporting groups), Educator and Teacher professional development, Cooking classes and one on one pantry consultations.
Favourite Recipe
Our Family loves ice-cream all year round. My favourite is Instant Mango Ice-cream.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (Thursday and Friday by negotiation). Available School Holidays and Weekends for Community Events.

Contact Victoria
QLD – South-East Queensland, Toowoomba and Darling Downs