IMPORTANT NEWS: The Mad Food Science Incursion is now part of the Making Friends With Food™ school partnership. Click here for Making Friends With Food.
Standing for Children's Health, while keeping things fun.
The Mad Food Science Incursion is an engaging, interactive whole-school program, designed to kick-start behavioural change in schools around food and sustainability, through education and inspiration.
By taking a whole-school approach, The Mad Food Science Incursion starts conversations with children, parents and teachers about food and how it impacts wellbeing, learning, waste and the environment.
Children are empowered to think of food being a fun experiment, and learn why it's important to explore eating a wide variety of food.
The incursion can be a one off event for your school, but if you're forward thinking and know food can be an improvement tool for your community's wellbeing and the health of the planet, then our partnership program - Making Friends with Food by The Root Cause™ is the way best program for you. It includes the Mad Food Science Incursion along with a longer term approach to support behavioural change stick.
Keep reading to find out more.

Empowering Children Through Fun
The Mad Food Science Incursion lets students get their hands dirty.
There's tasting, talking, moving and listening – but at the end of the day, it's all about educating students to start making better friends with a wide variety of food, using experiments, observations, and discussions to reinforce key health messages.
For the teachers and school staff, there's valuable data regarding food and waste at the school, which can be used to develop and enhance the school’s strategic plan.
Parents get their own opportunity to learn through a parent-focused information seminar.
We believe that The Mad Food Science Incursion can be the catalyst for a system of wholistic change throughout your school. You can follow this on by yourself as a school, or you can join us as a partner in Making Friends with Food by The Root Cause™, and we will guide and mentor you to make simple sustainable changes.
What People Are Saying:
"I was amazed how easily the children picked up the concepts that I see even adults struggle with. The kids all had a brilliant time and I know a lot of children went home telling about their learning experiences!"
Mum and P&C Member
“Very eye opening! I need to be a better role model for my students too. Great way to start the conversation, thanks! I really enjoyed learning about foods. Even as an adult I sometimes feel misled and make unhealthy choices for myself.”
Curriculum-Aligned, Research-Based
Studies show that children who eat more nutritious food, including fruit and vegetables, perform better in NAPLAN testing, and concentrate better, behave better, and socialise better in class.
Specifically, they:
- Are better, more successful learners, and remain more ‘on task’
- Show improved brain capacity, and a greater sense of resilience
- Are less likely to exhibit hyperactive behaviours or mood disorders
- Twice as likely to perform better than those who eat unhealthy food
- Have lower rates of obesity
The Mad Food Science Incursion helps make this your school's reality – and also directly supports schools with the Australian Curriculum’s PDHPE learning area. The Incursion contains material which supports units about anatomy, maths, waste and sustainability, and uses the science-inquiry skills of predicting and observing, to help cement the PDHPE messages.