Thanks for Joining The Standing With Children's Health Movement
I'm so grateful you've joined us here. Jump in and join our movement with over 10,000 other families.
Around the world, the statics for children’s health are frightening.
I saddens me to be sharing that here in Australia, over 40% of Aussie Kids are living with at least 1 chronic health conditions.
Now there is talk about the 'hidden' conditions of fatty liver disease, impaired memory performance and inability to adapt to stress, all affecting this generation of kids. These conditions are hidden because outwardly there are no visible physical signs.
I use the term 'talk' because despite scientific proof connecting all these ailments to the food our kids are eating, it seems there's only talk not strong action being taken. Particularly here in Australia, our Government seems to beholden to the big industries.
For many parents, who are busy and stressed, the problem with their kids seems too hard to tackle.
As a parent, I get it. We're up against a $2bn snack food industry. We're up against the pressures of work, bills and what everyone else is eating.
But as a parent and an advocate for children's health, I also get that we can not let this happen.
Children's health can no longer be put in what my coach calls the "F*** it" bucket because it is too hard. We have to take action now.
We have to be prepared to do the hard work because we can not rely on our Government to take action. That's why I'm so grateful for you joining our movement and Standing for Children's Health.
Now you're part of our movement, what you can expect from me is the following:
Free eBook - Just Get Started Guide. This includes my favourite go-to family friendly recipes, plus my favourite wellness sites and apps that I use for my family.
Keep You Informed. I believe one of my most important jobs is to raise awareness of what's happening in children's health, from research but also importantly, from real life. From the stories my team of instructors and I get, simply from being on the ground talking to students, parents and teachers. This is information to help you feel empowered when talking to others.
Weekly Packed With Heart Newsletter delivered to your inbox every second Friday afternoon (with the exception of school holidays where I tend to take down time to be with my kids). The newsletter usually contains a little commentary on children's health, plus usually includes links to useful articles, recipes and more. From time to time, I pop in your inbox more frequently when I need to share what else is going on.